At Malabar, we are part of our local community. We value community feedback, and are committed to continuous, open, constructive dialogue with all our stakeholders.
Our Approach
Malabar is an active participant in the local Upper Hunter community. We support a wide range of local groups, businesses, schools, sporting teams and charities, and engage with our community stakeholders on a regular basis to seek input and encourage transparency.
Our Community
We believe in engaging with the community we’re a part of. We regularly donate to community groups and charities, local schools, and local sporting teams, and maintain a community sponsorship program where local organisations can apply for funding or in-kind donations.
We have contributed over $600,000 in donations to date across a diverse range of innovative projects including sporting events, school fundraisers, school swimming programs, cultural awareness camps, support for residential aged care, support for local chamber of commerce events and support for wildlife conservation.
If you are part of a community organisation and would like to apply for one of our Community Grants, please complete the form below and one of our Community Team will be in contact shortly.
Our Community team will request more detailed information for projects that are shortlisted for our Community Grants program.
For more information on Sponsorships and Donations, please email:
We have engaged with our local community by:
- Sponsoring the Denman Sandy Hollow Junior Rugby Club
- Providing funding for Muswellbrook Day View Club to provide school supplies for local families in need
- Continued sponsoring of the cattle events at the Upper Hunter Regional Show, and providing free family passes to local families in need
- Continued sponsoring of the Upper Hunter Education Fund, which provides financial assistance to young people to assist with their tertiary education
- Sponsoring the Jerry’s Plains Cup, held at Muswellbrook Race Club
- Sponsoring the Denman Swimming Club Annual Presentation
- Donating towards the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service, which provide emergency aeromedical services 24-7 for the people of Northern NSW
- Funding the installation of the bicentennial display cabinet for the Jerrys Plains School of Arts Hall
- Funding the Muswellbrook High School and Muswellbrook Primary School students’ NAIDOC celebrations
- Sponsoring the Great Cattle Dog Muster
Malabar also has a 24-hour community hotline (1800 653 960) for any issues or enquiries related to our operations or our plans for the local area.
Community Groups Supported by Malabar

Community Consultative Committees (CCC)
At Malabar, we know that we must co-exist with the local community and other local industries. We value community feedback and incorporate this into the development of our operations. Malabar is committed to continuing open and constructive dialogue with the local community and stakeholders.
Malabar engages directly with the community through regular Community Consultative Committee meetings. At these meetings, local community stakeholders, representatives of government departments and Malabar staff discuss environmental management, mine development and performance and community partnerships.
Malabar also maintains a 24-hour community hotline for any issues or enquiries related to our operations or our plans for the local area.
Phone: 1800 653 960