Malabar Resources (Malabar) is an Unlisted Public Company and a Disclosing Entity.
Malabar received approval on 16 March 2017 from ASIC to operate a low-volume financial market for its ordinary shares (Shares) for the purposes of connecting potential buyers and sellers of Shares (Share Trading Facility). The Share Trading Facility is conducted by means of an electronic register of potential buyers and sellers, where contact details of potential counterparties are provided for registered participants.
The Share Trading Facility is a market covered by an exemption under section 719C of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act) as Malabar is included on the register of entities maintained by ASIC under the Corporations (Low Volume Financial Markets) Instrument 2016/888 (Instrument). Malabar, as the operator of the Share Trading Facility, is not licensed under Part 7.2 of the Act and is not subject to the legal obligations that apply to the operator of a licensed market, including the requirement, to the extent that it is reasonably practicable to do so, to do all things necessary to ensure that the market is a fair, orderly and transparent market.