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This week, Malabar Resources had the immense pleasure of recognising and celebrating NAIDOC week, a time dedicated to acknowledging the rich history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our celebrations provided a unique and profound opportunity for our team and the local community to come together and pay tribute to the invaluable contributions of the Indigenous community.

A Day of Reflection and Learning

Our NAIDOC week celebration was more than just an event; it was a day filled with reflection, learning, and deep appreciation for the rich cultural heritage that surrounds us. The day began with a traditional smoking ceremony, a powerful ritual that signifies cleansing and the beginning of new journeys. This ceremony was a poignant reminder of the deep spiritual connection to the land and the enduring traditions of the Indigenous people.


Story Sharing: Bridging the Past and Present

One of the highlights of the day was the story-sharing session. Elders and community leaders shared captivating stories that spanned generations, offering insights into their rich cultural heritage and the experiences that have shaped their community. These stories are not just tales from the past but are living histories that continue to inform and inspire.


Cultural Performances: A Showcase of Heritage

We were privileged to witness dance performances by Waagan Galga. Their dances, infused with energy and emotion, beautifully showcased the rich cultural heritage and important stories. Each dance told a story, echoing the resilience, strength, and spirit of the Indigenous people. The performance provided a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Indigenous culture.


Honoured Guests and Community Leaders

We were deeply honored to have many distinguished guests join our celebration. Their presence added a special significance to the event. Some of our guests included:

  • Steve Fordham and his team from Blackrock Industries, who have been instrumental in supporting Indigenous communities through employment and development opportunities.
  • Jacob Ellis and the traditional dancers from Waagan Galga, whose performances brought the stories and traditions of their community to life.
  • Uncle Ritchie Lawton from Budbudda Dreaming, a respected Elder whose wisdom and stories provided deep insights into the cultural heritage of the Indigenous people.
  • Uncle Glen Morris from the Wonnarua Aboriginal Land Council, whose work continues to support and uplift the Indigenous community.
  • Mayor Steve Reynolds, whose support underscores the importance of community unity and respect.
  • Malabar Resources board members, management, and employees, all of whom are committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful workplace.

A Memorable and Meaningful Celebration

We are immensely grateful to all who attended and contributed to making this event a memorable and meaningful celebration of Indigenous culture and community. The insights gained and the connections made during this event will guide us as we continue to build stronger, more inclusive relationships within our community.

At Malabar Resources, we believe that honouring the stories and traditions of the Indigenous community enriches our lives. Together, we will continue to celebrate the diversity that makes our community vibrant and strong.

Thank you to everyone who made this NAIDOC week celebration an unforgettable experience.