In the heart of Milbrodale, a small town 23 kilometres from Singleton, lies Milbrodale Public School, serving around 17 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 since 1921. Malabar Resources recently learned about the school’s plans for a Year 6 Farewell Dinner at the local hall and a festive party day at the local playground. Recognising an opportunity to support the community, Malabar stepped in. As part of the Malabar Community Sponsorship Program, we donated $500 to Milbrodale Public School, covering the costs of both events. Additionally, every student at the school received an early Christmas present in the form of a gift bag filled with goodies.
The students’ excitement was evident as they received their unexpected gifts, adding an extra layer of joy to their end-of-year celebrations. We hope these moments create lasting memories for the students.
To the Year 6 students moving on to high school, Malabar Resources extends best wishes for success in their new adventures. Our commitment to supporting communities remains unwavering, and this collaboration with Milbrodale Public School demonstrates our dedication to fostering local connections and spreading joy.