Singleton RSL Bowling Club, nestled within the Singleton Diggers, boasts a vibrant community of 55 active members, including juniors, men, and women passionate about bowling. Among their yearly highlights is the ANZAC Day Bowls tournament, a cherished event where both current and former defence personnel come together to participate.
Organising such events comes with its challenges, especially in terms of financial sustainability. Last year, the tournament faced a deficit, prompting the club to seek external support. That’s when they turned to Malabar through the Malabar Community Sponsorship Program, seeking assistance for this year’s tournament. Malabar, understanding the significance of ANZAC Day in honouring the sacrifices of service personnel, stepped up to the plate, generously donating the entire prize fund of $1000 for the tournament, enabling the club to host the event without financial strain.
President Brian Jarvis and the entire club expressed profound gratitude for Malabar Resources’ support. The contribution ensured a successful tournament, with a full green of bowlers gathering not only for the love of the sport but also to pay homage to servicemen and women.
At Malabar, we’re honoured to play a role in supporting initiatives like the Singleton RSL Bowling Club’s ANZAC Day tournament. It’s a testament to our commitment to giving back to the communities where we operate and honouring the legacy of those who have served our country.